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Assisted Living Northern Ireland

Mainstay DRP was formed in 1990 when a group of parents and carers of adults with learning disabilities and autism came together to create a local service to provide high quality care and support for their loved ones. We started as Down Residential Project, a small residential home for 9 service users in one location, and we’ve expanded and developed over the years, continuously adapting what we do to meet the changing needs of our service users.

Today, we are a dynamic, multi-service organization, supporting over 150 service users across Residential, Supported Living, Short Breaks, and Day Opportunities services in multiple locations in Downpatrick. Our passionate and highly trained staff work alongside our service users as one big Mainstay Family.

Our committee is made up of volunteers, each with varied skillsets, who meet regularly to steer our organisation in the right way so that we can continuously enhance and develop what we do.

Our Mission has always been to provide a range of high quality services which are safe, effective and compassionate for people with learning disabilities and autism, and their families.